July 30, 1974 – Day 6: Articles Of Impeachment – House Judiciary Committee Hearings

House Judiciary Committee on Impeachment – Getting together the crossed t’s, dotted i’s and crossed fingers.

House Judiciary Committee on Impeachment Day 6, July 30, 1974 – CBS Radio – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

This July 30th in 1974 was day 6 of the House Judiciary Committee Hearings on Articles of Impeachment over the Watergate scandal that had gripped the Nixon White House for the better part of a year.

Regarded as a historic action, the Judiciary Committee spent the previous six days debating and finally voting on those articles of Impeachment recommended to the House for further debate and vote.

Articles voted in favor to be up for debate on the House floor included:

28-10 approving an article of recommendations of Impeachment against a President to The House.
27-11 approved an article charging obstruction of Justice in the alleged Watergate cover-up.
28-10 approving an article alleging failure to see that laws were faithfully executed and the abuse of the rights of private citizens.
21-17 adopted the views that a failure to comply with Committee’s subpoenas for tapes and documents is, by itself, an impeachable offense.

Articles voted down or not considered impeachable offenses:

12-26 Voted down a proposed article having to do with the secret bombing of Cambodia.
12-26 Voted down a proposition that income tax fraud and the illegally received emoluments from the government were not impeachable offenses.

It would eventually lead to the resignation of Richard Nixon – but that was days later, in August. Between now and then it seemed like an eternity. The seemingly endless revelations left their toll on the American people. We hadn’t been through this before, not in recent memory anyway. A sitting President, a political figure most of us knew of since the Eisenhower days was now guilty of crimes which would bring him down. It shook us to our core and made us wonder just what was this country about and would we ever trust elected officials again. Strangely, we never quite recovered.

As it was reported by CBS Radio News for July 30, 1974.

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