October 14, 1982 – Protests Erupt In Poland – Reagan: Finger Pointing The Economy – America As Middle-Man In Lebanon

Poland – protests near Krakow – Outrage was alive and well.

October 14, 1982 – CBS World News Roundup – Newsbreak – 9am News – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

October 14, 1982 – News from Poland and an outbreak of strikes. But also news regarding the domestic Economy. President Reagan delivered an address the previous night, defending his fiscal policy and putting blame on the Democrats, whom he eluded to were not big fans of “supply side” economics but were practitioners of the “tax and spend” school of high taxes and increased government spending. As they often say, proof of the pudding was in the eating and the unemployment figures were the worst since the Great Depression, with the number hovering around 10%, which Reagan blamed on inflation and High Interest rates. Still, the numbers and the rhetoric were evenly along party lines. It was just the withering Middle Class that needed to be looked at, only it seemed most were looking the other way.

But America was also actively in the Diplomacy business. Again, the Middle-East and an attempt at jumpstarting talks between Israel and Lebanon and trying to end the Civil War currently raging on the streets of Beirut by removing all outside military groups from the area. A series of policy discussions were being held in Washington between the various factions and members of both the State Department and Defense Department. Washington was looking for input and hoping to get some consensus of opinion before presenting a plan.

And the mystery of the Sub in Swedish waters was continuing. The Swedish Navy sent depth charges with no little or no effect. Speculation was whoever the crew was had orders not to bring the sub to the surface as a life or death matter. The Vietnamese government turned over 5 sets of what were purported to be remains of some MIA’s being sought by the U.S. – additional remains and artifacts were turned over as well.

All that and protests in Poland were just getting started, this fourteenth day of October in 1982 as presented by The CBS World News Roundup, Newsbreak (with Judy Muller substituting for Charles Osgood) and the 9 am news.

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