Mermonte – Live at Trans Musicales Rennes – 2012 – Past Daily Backstage Weekend: Rock Without Borders Edition

Mermonmte - A Progressive ten-piece from France. Makes perfect sense.
Mermonte – A Progressive ten-piece from France. Makes perfect sense.

Click on the link here for Audio Player: Mermonte – Live at Trans Musicales Rennes – Dec. 7, 2012

I’m noticing the Press are having a hard time putting this band in a category. Mermonte is a French ten-piece Progressive outfit based loosely on a lot of the Progressive bands coming out of the 70s. They are musically multi-talented (everybody plays several instruments in the course of a concert). They are primarily instrumental-based, with a lot of intricate work on solos and changing time signatures. They are also currently on tour in Europe and getting a lot of positive word of mouth (despite not knowing exactly what to make of them, musically), and good audiences. They’ve only been around since 2007 and are having their first album release early this year.

As a preview of what you might be hearing (if they decide to come over to this side of the Atlantic sometime this year), here is Mermonte, performing at the recent Trans Musicales festival in Rennes, this past December 7th.

Once again, the world of Contemporary Music gets a whole lot wider and a lot more fun in the process.

Articles: 10118


  1. Gordon, Thanks for this excellent post. Like the press you mentioned, I don’t know what to do with them either. I’ve never been a prog rock fan, so I’m guessing my musical preferences, intransigent as they can be, rule out prog. Not quite jazz, either, though that’s closer. Let’s simply say Mermonte opened up several veins of the greatest of the arts and let the blood mingle. I dig it. Thanks again. Kind regards.

    • Thanks as always for your comments. It’s always nice to find music you can’t quite put your finger on. It’s almost like discovering new food. That’s what keeps it all fresh and interesting – and believe me, I will never be bored with music.

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