Earl ‘Fatha’ Hines – In Concert From Stuttgart – 1979 – Past Daily Downbeat

Earl "Fatha" Hines - breaking it down to basics.
Earl “Fatha” Hines – breaking it down to basics.

Click on the link here for Audio Player – Earl “Fatha” Hines – in Concert from Stuttgart, Germany – July 15, 1979 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection

Heading into more traditional territory this weekend. Legendary Jazz Piano player Earl “Fatha” Hines in a solo concert from Stuttgart Germany in 1979.

A popular band leader going back to  the early 1930s, Hines went solo off-and-on throughout his career, with a piano style reminiscent of the greats of an earlier era; Fats Waller, Meade Lux Lewis and Gene Ammons.

Here he is during one of his concert tours in the 1970s, playing at the Villa Berg in Stuttgart Germany on July 15, 1979.

Something laid-back and easy for a Sunday.

h/t: Pat Dallas

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