Not that we're nervous or anything . . . .
Not that we’re nervous or anything . . . .


Day 9 – The Fundraiser is plugging along. Not floods of contributions, but trickles. A lot of you have come by for a visit since we got started this past week – most of you for the first time. That’s great. The bottom line; I’m trying to get the message out about the site and what Past Daily is all about – and so far, so good. Now if we could just translate that into contributions . . . .I know; first things first.

A lot of you have said how unique you think the site is, that Past Daily is a big stew of History and Culture and Music, all in one place. It is. My feeling is that people aren’t one-dimensional, we like a lot of different things. And, if you’re like me, you switch gears a lot – you go from reading about the elections in Turkey to listening to a Henry Kissinger Press Conference from 1974 to listening to demos by The Runaways to listening to a 1950 concert by The L.A. Philharmonic – usually in one sitting. Or, if you like to take your time, you can download and listen to them when you want . The nice part about Past Daily is, it’s a little like a cafeteria – you can pick and choose and come back later. And there’s a lot to come back to. We’re adding posts every day – right now we’re up to around 4,000. Until we redesign our site, it’s a matter of scrolling and searching. But we’re working on making it easier for you to discover everything you might have missed. And the redesign is part of what the Fundraiser is for. We need to expand and lay it out for you to navigate so you can find exactly what you’re looking for. Right now it’s a lot of browsing.
So we have plans, and we’re not going anywhere anytime soon. But we really need your help to make it happen. We’re trying to reach our goal of $15,000 by the end of the month. I know we can do it – and we’ve had some wonderful support so far. I can’t begin to thank all of you who have chipped in, said hi, offered support and gave words of encouragement – you’re making a huge difference.
Your Tax Deductible Contribution goes to make it happen, makes all the history and rarities and music possible and keeps it all alive.
We’d love you to be part of it.

Click on the link down here (Teddy Roosevelt) and kick in what you can:

Till next time,
Gordon Skene
Past Daily/Gordon Skene Sound Collection



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