September 14, 1948 – Anticipating A Dewey Landslide – San Francisco Strikes – Deadly Train Crash In Korea.

Dewey Campaign - 1948
Dewey Campaign – 1948 – All signs pointed to a Dewey White House.
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September 14, 1948 – NBC Radio News – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

September 14, 1948 – The 1948 Presidential Campaign was in full swing. Polls were showing a decided Dewey-Warren upset, with Gubernatorial primaries showing overwhelming GOP support, and a dramatic uptick in Republicans turning out. Most thought it was a bad sign for Democrats, who were trailing badly in the polls and doing poorly in the primary elections still going on. Less than two months to the election, many were bracing for a President Dewey in the White House, come January.

Meanwhile – strike news on the West Coast was tense after violent outbreaks outside the Standard Oil Refinery in the San Francisco suburb of Richmond the day before which sent many strikers and police to the hospital after a picket line battle raged for over two hours. Harry Bridges, West Coast Longshoremen’s Union President was mentioned in connection with the violence the Richmond picket line. Bridges was rumored to be extending his influence over the current labor troubles and that Longshoremen were playing a leading role in the Richmond rioting.

No comment from the Army that a rumored attempt at strike-breaking by Army officials was going on. Pickets were set up around Army recruiting stations when it was thought the Army was hiring Longshoremen to unload its cargo at the San Francisco waterfront. The union had previously agreed to handle the Army cargo, but insisted all hiring be done through the Union halls. The Army was continuing to hire Longshoremen through its San Francisco office as well as in Seattle.

A revised death toll in a Korean train wreck stood at 27 American soldiers killed, rather than the 40 originally reported – the result of a standing passenger train rammed by another train, south of Seoul. In addition to the 27 dead, it was also reported some 60 other soldiers were injured in the wreck.

And that’s a small slice of what happened, this September 14, 1948 as reported by NBC Radio News in San Francisco.

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