1. I am just overwhelmed by all the amazing historical audio here. So much I haven’t heard before! Especially the reports from the BBC. Surviving or at least available BBC recordings from this period are so extremely rare! Fascinating and sometimes sobering to listen to these, to feel… at least just a little, as those who listened at the time must have felt. To really understand the past, you have to see it as the present.

    • Thanks so much for your kind comments. Yes, that is what I am trying to accomplish; to give the listener a feel for what actually “being there’ was like. It’s sometimes very hard with history, because some events we knew how they turned out, but at the time we had no idea. That’s why I try to go for the best possible sounding broadcasts to give the feel for the immediacy of the moment. You’re right; it gives a much better understanding. Thanks again!

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