September 1, 1939 – Leaving London – Mobilization And State Of Siege –

Leaving London - not sure for how long.
Leaving London – not sure for how long.

– BBC World Service reports – September 1, 1939 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

As the final negotiations ended, and the last letter of appeal delivered, precautions were underway for what was going to be a long and deadly war. On this September 1st in 1939, the British Ambassador to Berlin handed the German Foreign Minister a final note, saying in effect that, if Germany didn’t withdraw from Poland and relinquish its claim for disputed territory, a state of war would exist.

The British Ambassador in Berlin was instructed to reiterate to the German government, that Britain was prepared to carry out its pledge to Poland without hesitation. If the answer was unfavorable, the Ambassador was instructed to ask for the return of his passport.

On this day, the Great Evacuation from London of Children and elderly began, filling trains with some 3 million people, heading out of the War Zone for the country. This first 400,000 children left London before the end of the day.

Here is a one hour excerpt from the broadcast day of September 1, 1939 as presented by the BBC World Service.

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