There goes the neighborhood.
There goes the neighborhood.

. . . or click on the link here for Audio Player – CBS World News Roundup – May 28, 1994 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection.

Scandals and Trade Agreements, this May 28th in 1994.

The flap over Helicopters and The White House had heads rolling. The matter known as Choppergate centered around Presidential Helicopters being used for Golf outings. Previously, it was disclosed one helicopter was used to transport White House officials to a Maryland Country Club. After President Clinton was informed of the indiscretion, it then came out that two helicopters were used to the tune of some $2,380 an hour each. As a result, Assistant to the President David Watkins, who set up the outing, was forced to resign. President Clinton and 13 Senior White House Officials pledged to reimburse the government and that “not one red cent” would have to be paid by the taxpayers.

Meanwhile, the controversy over Illinois Congressman Dan Rostenkowski was continuing, with The Chicago Sun-Times reporting Rostenkowski planned to “hang tough” over allegations of misuse of government funds. The powerful Chairman of the House Ways And Means Committee rejected a plea-bargain and will stand trial over the charges. Rostenkowski, pending any last minute changes of heart, was up for indictment shortly.

And overseas – North Korea was reported to have refused to suspend the refueling of a nuclear reactor so UN inspectors could test spent fuel to make sure the Koreans weren’t using it for development of a nuclear bomb. The UN Security council called for action to deal with the situation.

And Trade agreements with China prompted Kentucky Fried Chicken to announce plans to invest some $200 million in China with the hopes they would become KFC’s biggest market in 10 years.

Dunkin Donuts was ordered to turn off their surveillance microphones which they had placed in stores. The New Hampshire Attorney General ruled the devices violated the state’s eavesdropping law.

The 12th Annual Border Governors Conference for States along the Mexican border wrapped up with no solution to the question posed on who should pay for services provided to illegal aliens. The states said it was the government’s responsibility – the government said it was the State’s responsibility. The hot potato stayed in the air until next time.

And thats a small slice of what went on in the world, this May 28th in 1994 as presented by the CBS World News Roundup.

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