If you don't know who this is - you need to visit us more often. (answer: Anita Bryant - pie incident)
If you don’t know who this is – you need to visit us more often. (answer: Anita Bryant – pie incident)


Day #21 – 9 days left – up to 7% of our goal. People are looking, asking and thinking about donating – the competition is fierce – no less than 8 other people I know are staging Fundraisers of one sort of another – a lot of competition for your tax deductible dollars.

So what makes Past Daily different? Things you can’t get anywhere else – rare history and sounds, most haven’t been heard since they were originally recorded. The famous and the notorious – the legends and the obscure – all on one site.
It’s as simple as that.  We live in a time where information comes at us at an insane rate. An event happens in Turkey and within minutes people in Los Angeles are seeing it or hearing about it – events go viral within hours. And because all that information, all those events and viral posts, things can get buried – we lose sight of the historic aspect –  we forget most things have happened in one form or another before.
We also get inundated with distraction – spin, eye-candy, and click-bait; everything to waste time, kill hours. We don’t do that here – spending time on Past Daily means you’re getting inundated with history, information and discoveries. We specialize in ah-ha moments – history you didn’t know about, or remember, or were never told about. That’s what we do here.
And it’s important to have a place where you’re free of all the distractions and hype to just make discoveries – that’s why Past Daily is here.
And that’s why we need your help. See; we don’t rely on advertising (even though there are ads on the page, they haven’t paid anything in months) – we rely on word-of-mouth and your support. Large or small, your dollars are needed, and it all goes to making Past Daily bigger and better.
My goal is to put up some 1/2 million hours of historic audio – that means news, documentaries, interviews, rare music, popular culture, world affairs – everything you can use,  going back to the dawn of recording.
It’s a huge task – one which is being slowly chipped away at, but one which is a daily ritual.  It all takes time – and as they always say, time is money.
This is an expensive commitment – but it’s one which I’ve gladly taken on since I first started recording broadcasts and collecting, because I’ve always felt that knowing about your world is ultimately a good thing. And that’s why I need you to join me and donate what you can to Past Daily, and to tell your friends if you like what I’m trying to do.
Simple as that.

As always, click on the link in the box below and contribute whatever you can – takes a minute – lasts a lifetime.

Till next time,



Articles: 10079