Simon & Garfunkel – 1968 – Nights At The Roundtable

Simon & Garfunkel - Timeless songs for uncertain times.
Simon & Garfunkel – Timeless songs for uncertain times.

Click on the link here for Audio Player: Simon & Garfunkel – America – 1968

Taking a break from Non-traditional, or any kind of Christmas music tonight.  When Simon & Garfunkel released America in 1968, it was a reflection on what were the most uncertain of times in our country. We were enveloped in violence and struggle, protest and reprisals. It was time no one was certain how it was going to wind up.

And for that reason, listening to America brought a sense of peace and hope that all would, somehow, work out okay.

The world didn’t end in 1968, we didn’t spin off into space. Things did, to a degree, work out.

So tonight it seems like a repeat performance might be a good idea. A time to ponder the madness, the world spun crazily out of control. A song for uncertain times with the hope that all does, somehow, work out.

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