Window Shopping In Berlin - despite propaganda to the contrary, the war was draining everything and not just people.
Window Shopping In Berlin – despite propaganda to the contrary, the war was draining everything and not just people.

– News Of The World – November 10, 1941 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

With the war raging in Europe this November 10th in 1941, the tell-tale signs that, even the German people were getting fed up with the war was becoming evident. Although the Propaganda machine was loudly proclaiming different, there were signs the loss of people, the increased bombings of German cities and the lack of goods was becoming apparent. Especially with the upcoming Christmas season, where German companies in the early days of the war sent troops packages during the holiday season, they were now sending promissory notes saying all good things would come, once the war was over. Display windows in German stores, displaying coats and dresses and “new fashions”, also showed lists of people waiting for those goods to appear again. The war, and its consequences, were beginning to be felt in Berlin.

But Berlin Radio was still adamant, and reports of victories in Russia were still coming in, though less glowing and more hard-fought than weeks before. Winter was quickly arriving and the Russians were waiting.

Meanwhile, in Britain – increased raids over Germany were hitting major industrial cities – Hamburg was the target on this night. Smaller raids over French coastal ports were inflicting damage with RAF losses described as “light”. German raids were still taking place over Britain, but to a lesser degree than before, now that the Eastern front was siphoning off much needed air power. London did report the loss of the HMS Exeter, a much regarded warship, sunk during a battle in the Mediterranean.

Preparations were being made to commemorate Armistice Day on November 11th, the grassy area in front of Westminster Abby, called The Field Of Remembrance, was thickly dotted with tiny white crosses. It reflected the grim reality that the war currently going on was total. Relatives and friends of those fallen during the The Great War, planted momentos for those who gave their lives in the last war, and in the current one. Some 40 million linen Flanders Poppies, made by disabled veterans were being readied for sale throughout the country on Poppy Day (the 11th), in aid of the seriously wounded servicemen of the last war and this one. The year before, some $ 2 1/2 million was raised from the sale of the poppies.

Also from London – revelations from Dr. Chaim Weizman that the British government had failed to implement its promise for a Jewish Army attracted considerable attention in the press. Weizman told the Zionist Conference in London that most Britons did not realize that he had offered to raise a Jewish Army in Palestine to fight for the allies as long ago as December 1939. 10,000 Palestinians were serving in the British Forces in the Middle East, but permission was never granted for a Jewish Army, operating under the British High Command. The Times Of London supported Dr. Weizman’s plea in editorials by saying that valid reasons not to support such an army were not easy to find. The Times Editorial went on to say that Arab suspicions, aroused by such an Army, were not valid.

In Washington, the weather was a big topic of conversation around Capitol Hill, particularly in the area of crops and Farming and the question over Price Ceilings being argued in the House. Bigger was the Bill on Arms shipments which included removing Combat Zones, those zones American ships formerly could not go, and arming those ships delivering to the Allies. The bill, which passed the Senate was expected to be voted on in the House and passed later on in the week.

And that’s a small slice of what went on this November 10th in 1941, as reported by NBC’s News Of The World.

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