John Foster Dulles (l) - Dean Acheson (r) - architects of the treaty with Japan.
John Foster Dulles (l) – Dean Acheson (r) – architects of the treaty with Japan.

– UN Signing of Treaty With Japan – Sepetember 8, 1951 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

Six years, almost to the day of the surrender signing between Japan and the Allies, ending hostilities in World War 2. The Treaty signing on this day in 1951, known as The San Francisco Treaty, officially ended World War 2 and formally ended Japan’s position as an imperial power, allocated compensation for allied civilians and prisoners of war who suffered Japanese war crimes and to officially end Allied military occupation of Japan.

Signed by 48 nations, the only ones not signing were The Soviet Union and The People’s Republic of China. Soviet Foreign Minister Andre Gromyko held a Press conference in which he laid numerous accusations on the U.S., saying it was a violation of the Yalta Agreement of 1945. Japan and the Soviet Union would finally enter into a peace treaty, but not until 1956.

But on September 8, 1951, the ceremony and the signing were celebrated and was covered by all the participating news organizations. This special broadcast, from NBC Radio also includes a commentary and several references to the Gromyko objections.

Here is that ceremony and the discussion as it happened.

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