President Bush - proposing sweeping changes in light of more sweeping changes in Soviet Union.
President Bush – proposing sweeping changes in light of more sweeping changes in the Soviet Union.

CBS World News Roundup – September 28, 1991 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection

In what was described as one of the most comprehensive and sweeping nuclear disarmament proposals by the U.S., President Bush announced a plan to dramatically reduce the number of nuclear weapons deployed in Europe, this September 28th in 1991. Citing the great changes taking place in Russia, the proposal, which included the removal of all nuclear artillery shells and short-range ballistic missile warheads. Sea-based tactical nuclear weapons were to be taken home and stored. The timetable for the implementation of July’s Strategic Arms Treaty would be moved up. The Alert status of U.S. nuclear forces would be downgraded and the termination of development of the Mobile Peacekeeper ICBM, as well as the mobile portions of the small ICBM program.

And while the steps President Bush announced were unilateral, it was clear the U.S. expected reciprocity on the part of the Soviets. Shortly after the announcement, Moscow responded by saying there would be reciprocal moves – although at the time of this broadcast, those moves weren’t spelled out.

Busy day, this September 28th in 1991.

And there was other news. The 44 UN Nuclear inspectors who were detained for 4 days in a Baghdad parking lot were back in their hotels, meeting with Iraqi officials and going over their cache of documents and tapes on Iraq’s nuclear secrets. They were working to comply with an Iraqi demand for an inventory of what was taken from the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission building. The next phase of the disposition of Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction was getting underway at a staging base in the Persian Gulf.

Palestinians meeting in Algiers re-elected Yassir Arafat as PLO leader and voted out Mahmoud Abbas, the mastermind of the Achille Lauro hijacking, from his post as a member of the PLO Executive committee. There was also talk about peace with Israel.

And that’s a little of what went on, this rather busy September 28th in 1991, as presented by The CBS World News Roundup.

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