Sen. Joe McCarthy and Roy Cohn.  Government by inquisition.
Sen. Joe McCarthy and Roy Cohn. Government by inquisition.

– Voices and Events: 1953 – NBC Radio – Dec. 28, 1953 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection. –

1953; a world crammed with extremes. A war in Korea and an armistice, an inquisition on Capitol Hill and threats of Communist infiltration everywhere, a Coronation in London, a riot in East Berlin, a Republican in the White House. And deaths – the death of Robert A. Taft, death of Maud Adams, death of Joseph Stalin.

Maybe not that much different than any other year. Put in perspective it always seems like the year just finished was the hardest or the most dramatic or the bleakest and what’s ahead can only be better, or at least looking up.

And perhaps 1953 was just another year where things happened and some of them were surprising, just like every other year.

Here is a run-down of the news and events of 1953 as presented by NBC Radio‘s Voices And Events weekly series. A little over-dramatic in places, but you get an idea of just what kind of world it was 61 years ago.

Then as now, we’ll be glad when New Years eve arrives – and maybe January 1st it starts to get good.

Forever hopeful.

Here’s that year-end look at the year 1953 as it was broadcast on December 28, 1953.

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