Tag Crime


Hungary: No Miracle. No Wonder. Just Drama – May 31, 1947

Subscribe and help keep us going: Become a Patron! A day fairly overflowing with drama, but for different reasons and in different parts of Planet Earth for this last day of May in 1947. Starting with news that the democratically…

Bobby Sands

IRA And Bobby Sands: When The Hunger Strike Goes Very Wrong – May 6, 1981

Not so much a cause for alarm, an ominous glimpse of things to come or a cautionary tale, but rather a historic example of how things go wrong and protests escalate as the result. This May 6th in 1981 had…


Economy In Downturn – Leaving Phnom Penh – Crisis In Cyprus – February 14, 1975

Works wonders: Become a Patron! – News for February 14, 1975 – News for this Valentine’s Day in 1975 was anything but heart-warming. It was all about the Recession. It was about unemployment and it was about bleak economic figures.…


Unemployment And The War That Won’t Go Away – January 11, 1975

A little help from our friends: Become a Patron! – News for Week Ending January 11, 1975 – The plate was fairly overflowing with news and crises, this week ending January 11th in 1975. Starting with news of the continuing…


Nixon And The Milk Fund – Drilling In Shale And Wounded Knee – January 8, 1974

News for January 8, 1974 News on this January 8th in 1974 continued with goings-on at The White House. Watergate was not going to go away, much to the Nixon Administration’s wishes it would. The White House did issue a…

Labor Has A Word On Labor Day – George Meany – 1967

Labor Day in 1967 was on the pessimistic side. Unrest all over the country. Poverty, cities in turmoil, unemployment, the Vietnam War sapping the country of resources – physical and monetary. The Summer of Love to some, but for everyone…