Tag Festivals

Devy Erlih Plays The Music Of Pierre-Max Dubois – 1957 – Past Daily Weekend Gramophone

I originally ran this post a few years via my old website, but many readers weren’t happy with the sound quality available at the time. So, as promised, I am running it again with new and improved sound and a…

Renaissance – Live At The Montreux Jazz Festival – 1970 – Past Daily Soundbooth

Most people remember Renaissance as the band which had a number of concept albums and hits via the FM-AOR format stations in the late 1970s. Truth of the matter, that was the third incarnation of the band. Renaissance originally began…

The Doors

The Doors – Live At The Isle Of Wight Festival -1970 – Past Daily Backstage Pass

Anyone who is even a passing fan of The Doors probably has, or at least has heard, some version of this concert. This particular incarnation, as legend has it, comes from a mixdown of the original multi-track masters of the…

Viktoria Postnikova And Gennady Rozhdestvensky With The BBC Symphony At The 1979 Prague Spring Festival – Past Daily Mid-Week Concert

Part 1 Part 2 Over to Prague from 1979 this week for a concert by the BBC Symphony, conducted by Gennady Rozhdestvensky and featuring Viktoria Postnikova, piano. The concert was recorded during the legendary Prague Spring Festival and features works…

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