Tag Libya

Summer 1967

Summer Of Love, But Not In Damascus Or Hanoi – Cardinal Ritter Dies – VP Humphrey In Hospital – June 10, 1967

News for this almost Summer day 10th of June in 1967 had a lot to do with the Middle East. Notably, the Israeli advance on Syria and the approach to Damascus. Cause for much concern in diplomatic circles. The Soviet…

Bobby Sands

IRA And Bobby Sands: When The Hunger Strike Goes Very Wrong – May 6, 1981

Not so much a cause for alarm, an ominous glimpse of things to come or a cautionary tale, but rather a historic example of how things go wrong and protests escalate as the result. This May 6th in 1981 had…

Paris - June 1940

Paris Calls It Quits – France Surrenders – June 20, 1940

News for this June 20th in 1940 was not the most optimistic, especially if you were around Paris at the time. Word from the government, relocated to Bordeaux, reiterated that the war was over and France had lost and that…

Objective: Basra -The Iran-Iraq War: Six Years And Counting – Commuter Nightmare In New York -January 19, 1987

– January 19, 1987 – CBS World News Roundup – Gordon Skene Sound Collection – January 19, 1987 – The Iran-Iraq War was in the news this day. With reports that Iranian troops were making advances towards the southern Iraqi…

Immigration In The World Of 1959 – Past Daily Reference Room

Since the recent issues over Immigration reform legislation, it’s always interesting to consider where the history is – what were Immigration laws like 20, 30, 50 years ago. In 1959 it was clear our Immigration policy was broken, or least horribly…

September 26, 1967 – Vietnam War – Hawks And Doves – Meanwhile: Body Bags –

NBC Radio News Of The World – September 26, 1967 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection – As the casualty count continued to rise during the ongoing battle at Con Thien, this September 26th in 1967, the ever-widening gap of opinions…

September 20, 1994 – A Photo-Op In Haiti – The Return Of Aristide.

For September 20, 1994 the news was about U.S. troops landing in Haiti and the removal of one government, headed up by Military strongman Raoul Cédras and reinstating another government, that of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Aristide, an elected President was overthrown…

September 6, 1947 – Recovery From War – Gen. Marshall Has A Plan.

– Our Foreign Policy – The Marshall Plan – September 6, 1947 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection – The news on this day in September of 1947 found the world . . .pretty much as usual, sliding into a state…

The Great Radio Documentaries: Nassar’s Egypt – January 1957 – CBS Radio Update – Past Daily Pop Chronicles.

– CBS Radio – Update- Nasser’s Egypt – Jan. 1957 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection – Continuing our series of memorable documentaries of the 50’s, 60s and 70’s; Nassar’s Egypt from CBS Radio – January 23, 1957. 1956 and 1957…