Category Solidarity

Solidarity Labor Congress in Gdansk

September 5, 1981 – Solidarity Meets In Gdansk

September 5, 1981 – CBS World News Roundup – Gordon Skene Sound Collection – News from Gdansk today, as the Solidarity labor Movement held its first Congress in Gdansk, while the Soviet Union was staging military maneuvers nearby. It was…

The Compact disc - August 31, 1982

August 31, 1982 – Boots, MIGs And Strange Little Discs

  August 31, 1982 – ABC World News This Morning – Gordon Skene Sound Collection – August 31, 1982 – A day filled with the usual strife and the familiar struggle. But also a day which would have far reaching…

Air Traffic Contollers

August 1, 1981 – Elephants In The Room

August 1, 1981 – CBS World News Roundup – Gordon Skene Sound Collection – August 1, 1981 – a day of looming disruption and discontent. With conclusion of an all-nighter on Capitol Hill, House and Senate conferees finally agreed on…

June 2, 1981 - Lech Walesa

June 2, 1981 – Stand Offs And Stand Downs

  June 2, 1981 – CBS World News Roundup + CBS Hourly News – Gordon Skene Sound Collection – June 2, 1981 – The day started with news that a hostage situation was finally over at a nursing home in…

Tiananmen Square 1989

May 19, 1989 – Tension And Confrontation

May 19, 1989 – The World Tonight – Gordon Skene Sound Collection – May 19, 1989 – a day of increased tensions and confrontation. Students gathered in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square to protest the hardline regime and push for dramatic political…

Bobby Sands

April 25, 1981 – The View From Maze

April 25, 1981 – CBS World News Roundup + 8:00 am network news – Gordon Skene Sound Collection – On this April 25th in 1981, the news was coming from Maze Prison in Northern Ireland, where Bobby Sands, a member…

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