The Soviet crackdown in Hungary was still going.
The Soviet crackdown in Hungary was still going on.

Click on the link here for Audio Player: News for January 14, 1957

News for this day was largely relegated to speculation on the new Eisenhower term, since the Inaugural was a little over a week away, this January 14th in 1957. But it was also concerned with developments in the Middle-East and the ongoing crackdown, trials and executions over the Hungarian Revolt just several weeks earlier. The latest batch of fears came with rumors of Communist infiltrators landing in the U.S. in droves, pretending to be Hungarian refugees.

From this collection of newscasts, all from this day, there was a protest movement afoot (promoted primarily by Fulton Lewis Jr. and his Mutual Radio Program) over the invitation by the White House of members of the newly-installed Puppet regime in Budapest, to the inaugural Ball. Lewis read answers to the protests and urged listeners to keep writing – supplying pertinent names and addresses to which the protests were directed.

Also bubbling close to the surface were tensions in the Middle-East. Israeli occupation of Gaza and Egyptian sabre rattling and threats to drag the U.S. into the conflict were not sitting all that well with The State Department.

And the happenings aroundCapitol Hill were subjects of reporting, most notably with threatened shakeups in  Congress and the power-plays ensuing.

That and a lot more for this January 14th in 1957 as reported by Fulton Lewis Jr. and Cedric Foster via Mutual Radio.

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