Tag Libya

Bye-Bye Somoza – July 17, 1979

Click on the link here for Audio Player: News for July 17, 1979 – CBS World News Roundup – Gordon Skene Sound Collection News for this July 17th in 1979 began with word that Nicaraguan strong-man Anastasio Somoza resigned and…

July 10, 1970 -“As Long As They’re Giving Away Free TV Sets, I’ll Bank Here”

[laterpay_premium_download target_post_id=”9067″ heading_text=”Download For $1.99:” description_text=”July 10, 1970 – NBC Nightly News – Gordon Skene Sound Collection” content_type=”link”] Become a Patron! Had there not been so much drama, deceit and upheaval associated with the decade of the 70s, it might…

Intermediate Applied Fingerpointing – Day 3 – July 9, 1987

Click on the link here for Audio Player: News for July 9, 1987 – CBS World News Roundup – Gordon Skene Sound Collection News for this particular July day in 1987 was focused pretty much on events pertaining to, or…

How Americans Feel About Vietnam – July 2, 1965

Click on the link here for Audio Player – ABC News Special Report – Dialogue And Decision – July 2, 1965 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection This day in 1965 was about the growing dissatisfaction with the War in Vietnam.…

Nelson Mandela – Milestone Moments – Past Daily Reference Room

Click on the link here for Audio Player: Election Night – May 9, 1994 Click on the link here for Audio Player: Inauguration addresses – May 10, 1994 As news from South Africa today isn’t optimistic over the condition of…

Broken Systems, Outrageous Gas Prices And Prolonged Weeping In Damascus – June 12, 2000

Click on the link here for Audio Player: A day of ironies, this June 12th 13 years ago. On this day in 2000 gas was inching towards the unheard-of $2.00 a gallon, the Judicial system regarding the Death…

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